Tablature Explanation
- You have to know how to read tablature if you're going to play it. Below you'll find an explanation of the symbols. -
h Hammer-on
Hammer onto 7 fret with 5 fretted
p Pull-off
Pull-off from 7 with 5 fretted
/ Slide up
Slide from 5 up to 7
/ Slide up from anywhere
Slide up to 7 from lower fret
\ Slide down
from 9 down to 7
\ Slide down from anywhere
Slide down to 7 from higher fret
^q Quarter-step bend 6 bent up 1/4 step (between 6&7)
^h Half-step bend 6 bent up to sound
like 7
^f Full-step bend 6 bent up to sound
like 8
^h^ Bend & release half
6 to 7 and release back to 6
^f^ Bend & release full
6 to 8 and release back to 6
h^ Pre-bend half-step Pre-bend 6 to 7; release after pick
f^ Pre-bend full-step Pre-bend 6 to 8; release after pick
x Muffled string String muted while
t Right hand-tapping
Use right hand to quickly tap notes
<> Harmonic
Harmonic touched above shown fret
~ Vibrato
Wobble note with fretting hand
> Accented note Play this
note forcefully
() Ghost note
inaudibly short duration
PS Pick scrape
pick down strings
AH Artificial harmonic
L.H. frets 12 down at 2, R.H.
14 and picks.
PH Pinch harmonic Hold tiny bit of
pick protruding
from between fingers and pick.
v Strum down
from lower to higher strings
^ Strum up
Strum backwards from high to low
-2-5--0- PM Palm muting Mute strings with strumming hand
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